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Champurrado de Tito’s

Recipe for hot cocktail made with milk, masa, chocolate, piloncillo and vodka

You can find this recipe at El Restaurante

Mexican cuisine, champurrado atole, hot drink

Recipe courtesy of Tito’s Handmade Vodka

2 oz. Tito’s Handmade Vodka 3 c. water

2 c. milk

3 oz. piloncillo, chopped

1⁄4 c. masa flour

1⁄2 disk Mexican chocolate, chopped 2 cinnamon sticks

1 anise star

Boil water with cinnamon and the star anise. Remove from heat and let steep for 1 hour. Remove cinnamon and star anise. Slowly add masa flour, stirring to combine. Once dissolved, add milk, chocolate, and piloncillo. Heat over medium heat until almost boiling, then reduce  to simmer until chocolate and piloncillo are dissolved. Pour mixture into mug with the Tito’s vodka.


El Restaurante

El Restaurante magazine was founded in 1997, and is read by over 25,000 owners and managers of Mexican and Latin restaurants in the United States. The magazine is published five times per year by Maiden Name Press, LLC in Chicago, Illinois.

El Restaurante also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, eMex, and maintains the popular website

El Restaurante is edited by Kathleen Furore, a veteran journalist. She has been the editor since the magazine was founded. Kathleen can be reached at 708-267-0023 or

For advertising information, please contact publisher Ed Avis at or 708-218-7755.


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