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Fajita-style Grilled Wings with Red Jalapeño Aioli

Recipe for wings with red jalapeno aioli

This recipe can be found at El Restaurante

Recipe courtesy of La Preferida (

Makes 6 servings

2 lbs. chicken wings, with skin, raw

1 pack La Preferida Taco Seasoning*

8 oz. La Preferida Mojo Marinade

1 T. salt, Kosher, coarse

1 T. spice, black pepper, ground

La Preferida Red Jalapeño Aioli (see recipe below)

Cilantro, chopped (for garnish)

Rinse chicken wings under cold water and pat dry, season with La Preferida Taco Seasoning, salt, and black pepper—allow to sit for 10 minutes, allow for salt to dissolve. Put wings in a ziplock bag and pour in marinade, refrigerate for 10 minutes. (Ziplock bags work best, but feel free to use a clean plastic bag or small bowl, just make sure to coat the chicken wings well.)

Drain excess marinade from chicken wings. Place on grill, turn occasionally, until meat is no longer pink. If you have a thermometer, probe to 165º F. Take a chicken wing and check for doneness. Once done, place chicken wings on serving plate, allow to cool for about two minutes and garnish with cilantro.

The flat part of the chicken wing usually takes six minutes, three minutes per side. The drum takes 10 minutes, five minutes per side.

The Red Jalapeño Aioli

2 c. light mayo

2 T. La Preferida Red Jalapeño Sauce

Add sauce to mayo and blend until smooth. May substitute one cup of mayo with Greek yogurt for a lighter version.

*Low sodium option available

El Restaurante

El Restaurante magazine was founded in 1997, and is read by over 25,000 owners and managers of Mexican and Latin restaurants in the United States. The magazine is published five times per year by Maiden Name Press, LLC in Chicago, Illinois.

El Restaurante also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, eMex, and maintains the popular website

El Restaurante is edited by Kathleen Furore, a veteran journalist. She has been the editor since the magazine was founded. Kathleen can be reached at 708-267-0023 or

For advertising information, please contact publisher Ed Avis at or 708-218-7755.

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